


When it comes to construction, man has always been guided by the search for beauty and for long-lasting solutions.Whereas in the past, the perception was often that beauty meant splendour, regardless of any financial consideration, the economic demands of today’s world often force us to opt for standardized solutions. Our creativity is also influenced by such imperatives as respect for the environment and the desire to save energy, and, therefore, improve the insulation of building.

In order to satisfy your most diverse desires in the field of façade decor, we offer two product concepts.

Domostyl, our standard concept based on polyurethane, is characterized by its low cost and great versatility. Domostyl customized, on the other hand, is an ingenious concept offering reliable made-tomeasure solutions for everyone who wants to give their home an even more personal mark. Domostyl and Domostyl customized have been subjected to the most stringent tests by renown control bodies, recognised for the CE mark of approval and members of the European Organisation for Technical Approvals(EOTA). On the basis of these tests, NMC offers a 10-year warranty on all its products in the Domostyl and Domostyl customized ranges.

For further information visit or contact us.

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